jeudi 2 décembre 2010
mercredi 1 décembre 2010
November Newsletter 2010

School support
As part of the school support program, from 27th to 30th November four meetings were held with the children’s parents, which aimed to explain in detail the project’s methodology, specifically the promotion of children’s participation in the education process and raising parents’ awareness of their essential role in building their children’s capacities. The promotion of children, youth and women’s education, as well as the psychological wellbeing of young residents of the Nablus old city, was also discussed. During the meetings the teacher listened to parents’ comments about their children’s difficulties in the schools and promised to provide special training for the parents in upcoming meetings. Parents reported benefiting greatly from the meetings.

My Father Reads To Me campaign
Human Supporters Association has participated actively in the wide-ranging campaign called My Father Reads To Me by reading stories for 15 children in the Association garden, where this campaign was launched. Run between 1st and 4th November 2010 by the Tamer Institute for Community Education, in collaboration with many local organizations, this campaign aimed to promote the relationship between parents and their children though the reading of stories.

Clowning, laugh therapy
The well-known Spanish group called Fest Clown visited Human Supporters Association specifically to undertake a program of workshops entitled ‘Clowning, Laugh Therapy’. At first they ran a workshop involving 20 Association participants in which they provided basic training in clowning. The next day a laugh therapy workshop was held with the same group in which the trainers taught participants many simple games to make them laugh from the bottom of their hearts.

Clowning party for the school support children

American delegation visit
On 6th November, an American delegation called Interfaith Peace Builders visited Human Supporters Association. Their visit aimed to learn about the projects offered by the Association to Palestinian society under occupation. Their program also included a visit to the old city and other activities.
mercredi 3 novembre 2010
lundi 1 novembre 2010
October Newsletter 2010
October 2010
Children stories
Click on the the link below to download the October newsletter on three languages ( French, English, And Arabic ) :!download|604|428619124|October.rar|1674
On 3rd October, a group of 10 children narrated stories of painful memories of 2002 and the Israeli invasion 2002, the activities implemented by the Italian journalist called “Chicelia” attended to HAS specifically, to write the Palestinian children stories who are still under the impact of trauma resulted by the occupation, her activities held in both: Gaza Strip and the West Bank, where the implementation of the workshop with the children took two hours ,with The help of HSA specialists. The visit resulted in many stories still engraved in the history of the painful memory.
The association started training course includes theoretical and practical aspect, the training entitled "individual counseling," which was specifically targeting students of Psychology Department – Al Najah national University , according to the special training course to students. On 4th October, we provided them with training in building skills in the individual counseling training followed by applicable practices with children in need.

Educational activities
On Thursday, 7th October, the educational assistance of the association carried out and open day with children from the aged between 10-14 years, the activities done with the assistance of volunteers, in the courtyard of the association devoted to the activities of social entertainment, where the activities included educational means offered through play and work.
School support
On Saturday, 9th October and within the school support activities, the association opened its doors to 100 children aged 7-9 years of the primary grades, they all arrived to receive the Arabic language, mathematics, and English classes. Where we work to promote children through non-formal education, which increases the educational opportunities for children, and their integration into the practical learning
On 20 October, a specialist “Khawla Alafore’ from the Treatment and Rehabilitation centre for Victims of Torture, has collaborated with HSA, to start a series of workshops for women, aimed to increase their awareness about the relationships, and also to raise their awareness in the psychological and social affairs.
Protection activity
On 24th October, a group of PCC experts, held a meaningful activities, for 40 children aged between 10-14 years old, that promote the protection concepts in the children, and the importance of maintaining personal space, where the activities included dancing and several games brings the joy in the children’s hearts.
Puppets course
On 18th October, human supporters implemented course of workshops entitled (Dolls) by two French specialist, they trained a group of psychologist students to industry puppets using simple materials, and they are also trained to do theatrical performances and other educational games, the course lasted until 26th October, and resulted in benefiting the participants on the use of theater as a psychological tool.
World education forum activities
On 30th October, human supporters in the partnership with CISS applied a workshop entitled ( traditional Education Vs the public education) within the activities that the world Education forum is doing all over the world, where the association’s workshop in the forum where within the project ( promoting children, youth, women Education and psychological wellbeing in Nablus- old city). During the workshop we introduce the creative teaching methodology, and the alternative teaching methods which focus of the student.
samedi 2 octobre 2010
September Newsletter 2010
September Newsletter 2010
click in the link below to download the newsletter PDF in three languages ( French, English, And Arabic ):
Supervision Activities
Human Supporters’ Association continues to provide a supervision service and follow-up activities as part of its main project (Promoting children, youth, and women education and psychological wellbeing in Nablus- old city).In September, the association held four sessions for 45 trainees covering different organizations. These sessions were very successful and will be of great use in serving Palestinian society. With these sessions we have achieved part of our project’s goals- goals that Human Supporters in cooperation with CISS are striving to achieve.
On 21 September, project manager Ms. Emilia Sorrenteno held training for the teachers involved in school support activities. Using these skills and this knowledge, one hundred children in the second, third, and fourth grades will be tutored in Arabic, English and Mathematics. The training contained teaching techniques and work methodologies that will enable teachers to provide educational services by using various educational methods, supporting children in their education and insuring their continuation of studies.

Voice of Kids
The VOK Team is undertaking many psycho-educational events and activities with HSA. The team enthusiastically returned to the VOK sessions after the school year commenced. Recently they began finalizing the magazine and preparing for a conference. On 28 September, the group celebrated the birthday of Khalid (one of VOK members). On Khalid’s birthday, the team also presented the magazine as a way of celebrating the special day.
On 19 September, the Association started running English classes and human rights workshops in English. The courses were offered to HSA staff and selected volunteers. The two courses contained valuable information about human rights: for example, the sessions included discussions about Palestinians rights in light of Israeli practices in the occupied territories.
HSA continues to run theatre activities where a 12-member group, aged between 11 and 14 years, regularly performs theatrical works; one example being the group’s production of a show for HSA’s open day. HSA will continue to provide storytelling activities for children at a number of locations throughout Nablus: places of education such as the municipality library and public areas such as the parks. These events encourage children to learn and reflect as well as providing a fun atmosphere.
Computers lab
Human supporters association opened computers lab, which will be granted Courses for beginner, intermediate level of the beneficiaries, for both, children and young people, where Will enable them to use various computer programs, Microsoft And the Internet. Through professional trainers in this area
mercredi 1 septembre 2010
August Newsletter 2010
The News Letter
you can download the newsletter of August in three languages ( Arabic, English, and French ) Click in the link below :
The 3rd of august 2010 , H.S.A with the cooperation of the Planet action team from LYON – France , started the smile together summer camp , which was implemented for 40 kids aged between 9-12 years old . The summer camp finished in the 9th of august 2010 . The camp Included a lot of activities and departments, such as competitions, educational and art departments. This camp was special for the children, because of the new sport they learned ,which is wrestling, which was implemented by specialist from the French team .
In the 11th of august , Ramadan had arrived , That was the reason of why the H.S.A made a lot of group breakfasting days in the association , where they also invited the employees , the V.O.K group , the dabka dancing team , and some of the children’s families who are participating in the association activities .
An Italian delegation had visited the H.S.A for 4 days , the visit included the old city . The projects coordinator MR.WAJDI explained them the psycho-sociological situation for the families who lives in the old city of Nablus , and he also played some movies and made some lectures to explain more about the situation .
The V.O.K group had started adding the last touches in the articles which they wrote through the third phase of the project , as they are also choosing the pictures and colors which they are going to add to their magazine , they do the whole decorating thing on their daily work at the association .
lundi 2 août 2010
July newsletter 2010
Voice of kids :
In the 15th of July, the voice of kids group started the project 4th phase activities, which through it the whole group decided everything about their magazine like articles which they wrote in the third phase , the designs which they will be learning how to do by computer trainings .
In the final phase the kids became ready to add a lot of different subject to their magazine; we hope that the magazine will take a good place in Palestine and the outside world.

Promoting children , youth , women education and psychological well-being in Nablus - old city :
As the success is continuing in implementing the activities of this project , the cooperation between the H.S.A and the ministry of education about the schools and the targeted groups to give the special educational services is still running , this cooperation will also help us to have the names and the number of the drop out children who we will be working with in this project .
In the 17th of July 2010 a group of the beneficiaries who belongs to “collectif Palestine Paris 8 “with the cooperation of “generation Palestine “ le mans city , started to implement the “my story in the History “ project for the H.S.A children which included the photography activities and movie making which is about the Palestinian reality according to the children’s point of view . The children were supervised by this group, and they made an exhibition for their pictures in the association yard on Saturday the 31st of July .
The families of those children attended the exhibition and celebrated with their children the end of the project and the publishing for the 5 movies .
H.S.A with the cooperation of Bayalara center started implementing the (count to ten) project, which includes 2 groups from both genders aged between (13-18) years old during July.
The project aimed to create an acceptable and tolerant culture for the youth, and also adopt some wise means away from violent.
In addition to many trainings and workshops about psych-sociological health and conflict management.
H.S.A with the cooperation of Bialara center, made an open day for 50 children, it included a lot of activities and group games with prizes, celebrating the opening of the ARZ ice cream factory, and encouraging the local producing process.

In the 31st of July H.S.A participated in a festival in sebestya , which included a lot of singing and dancing activities.
the association was apart of the folklore dancing and singing shows , leaded by the association dabka dance team .
H.S.A (Ehna) hiphop dance team participated with a very interesting dance shows .
The festival included a tour in this historical village which told the story of the civilization which have lived in .
Visits :
An Italian delegation with Luisa morgantini the previous vice president of the European Union, they visited the H.S.A to get introduced about the association projects, which helped the people in our community.
The delegation also visited the Old city as usual.
samedi 3 juillet 2010
Newsletter of June 2010
In 17th June, Voice of kid’s team has visited defence for children international centre in Nablus, the goal of the visit was to meet the centre’s services and also, to make an interview with Mr, Samer Ajaj the manager of the centre, he started the meeting with an explanation about the centre services offered to save the children rights and protection, During the workshop the kids presenting some children’s matters and discussed them with him. As 5 of the kids made interview with the manager in private, in order to discuss deeper information the centre target groups and work methods.
European delegation of different nationalities consisting 14 psychologists and psychiatrics visited our association on 6th June 2010, where the purpose of the visit was to take an overview about the association’s programmes. As Mr. Wajdi Yaeesh one of the association founders and the current projects coordinator of HSA, presented a brief history of the association establishment, which is considered as a reflection of the Israeli invasion to the west bank cities in 2002.
The projects coordinator Mr. Wajdi Yaeesh explained the children’s conditions under the invasion of 2002, and the repeated practices of the Israeli soldier against the Palestinian society, special in Nablus – old city. Additionally; the activities coordinator Mr Raed Kukhun gave an explanation about the goals and the stages of Voice of Kids program.
The delegation visit lasted for 3 hours included with tour in the old city leaded by wajdi, he showed them the historical monuments of the city and the destruction left by the Israeli soldiers during the invasion 2002.
Group of alaizareh municipality board members came to our center to discuss the details of the participation in the summer camp will be hold in France - noture city, that will take place in 5th july 2010, in this summer camp our dabkah and music team and 5 of their youth will be part of it , our team will present dabkah and music shows during the camp activities, as it will last for 12 days including the visits to the other cities like pairs

In 21st June, HSA opened the summer camp activities door (living together), that we offer every summer vacation, this camp includes kids aged between 9-13 years old, and covers the three religions located in Nablus city, Muslim, Christian, and Samaritan, where the goals of the camp is to promote the tolerance and the social unity among the religions. As also, it includes lots of entertainment and artistic activities.
(Promoting children youth, women, education and psychological wellbeing) project
On 9th June we started the supervision meetings in HSA centre, the goals behind the meetings is to monitor the 80 volunteer’s affairs in the work field, their difficulties, and personal skill, Also enhancing the local organizations performance in the psychological and social work field. The meetings will take a place on June until the end of December.
we started new French course for the children aged between 10-13 years old, by the graduator mr. mahdi Karadeh, who is one of our best volunteers in tutoring French for the children, as we started also the activities of ( the story) that will encourage the children on reading educational stories, this activitirs leaded by Ms. Nancy abu haweleh on of the HAS staff.
As we continue the other usual activities in serving the children and the youth of Nablus.
We would like to thank you all for supporting us in serving our community; and we give special thank for our partners, that together we will promote the justice and the social change in a better future for all the Palestinians.