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With the constant continuous serving for the local community’s slices, human supporters association is expending largely every day, counting on our diverse projects that are covering by its aspects a significant numbers of benefiter’s grassroots, as our impassion is to reach wider zone of people who need our social and psychological support.
April 2010 was distinctive for us, especially because of the new project activities that began during it.

The non- state actors, Ciss (Cooperazione Internazionale Sud-Sud), the Italian NGO, In the partnership with human supporters association the Palestinian NGO, announced the activitie’s application of (promoting, childe, youth, women education and psychological wellbeing) project that funded by the European union , the announcement was through the first action, which was the press release that took a place on 8th April 2010
During the conference, the project manager Emillia Sorrentino and the human supporters chairwomen Ms.Doha Al Bizrah, announced the launch of the project’s activities with great appreciation for the European union who funded this project, and they provided a clear explanation about the project’s goals, and the targets groups, while the director of the education directorate Ms.Saher Akub and the municipality vice president Dr. Hafez Shaheen, prised starting of such project in nablus which will helps the dropped out kids and illiterate women in building their capacities during 3 years, where the informal education will give them the opportunity to have a recognized certification, and the psychological wellbeing.
On 13th April 2010 we started the implementation stage (capacity building training ) in the cooperation with the Palestinian counselling centre experts, the training addressed to 88 participants how working in NGOz, ministry of education, universities’ students, hsa volunteers…etc
Where the training consisted: the informal education and the psychological support, it continued until 22th of April and ended with a huge success. otherwise, this training will have other phases, as long the project is going on.

On 4th April the activities coordinator Raed, and the volunteers Abood and Nidal in HAS, returned from France, they have been invited by the cinema politica association with the Collectif palestine Paris 8 to participate in (festival printemps palestine 2010 – resister par la culture), the three of them represented the Palestinian cultural and social resistance during the festival activities in many universities, and the whole trip lasted 14 days, as they added they had a wonderful times with collectif family, who stood by them all the time, and introduced them the civilization aspects in Paris and other cities, it was a unforgettable journey with collectif palestine. (congratulation for the work team, they done an amazing job together.
After serving the community during in the second stage, voice of kids team now are going through new educational process, the journalist Eman elshami is opening their horizons in the journalists field, and increasing their capacities to criticise and to write articles about their daily life and many other parts of their lives, due to the goals of this stage, each one of them will identified as the young journalist, They will be able to make interviews with important characters, and to in write about it in professional ways.
On 24th April luiza Morgantini the previous vice president of the European parliament, Has visited human supporters with Italian delegation consists 45 person, we presented them the association and the activities that we do for the local community by the project coordinator wajd yaeesh, then we took the delegation into association garden to show them some of our dabka and music bands who practice daily to present an artistic cultural shows as appreciation to thier visit and of course to add more enjoyment to their journey
After the repairs has been done in our garden, it become possible to our beneficiaries do their activities officially, the garden includes large yard an two internal rooms, one for our music band and the other one for the kids, where they can have an educational support and other possible activities, as we are planning also to add special library in the near future
In the cooperation with the local organizations, we have held many workshops targeting the women and youth’s affairs, on 13th April ( the Palestinian centre for democracy and solving the conflicts ) the trainer Najlaa Aydi has gave at human supporters two workshops during the previous month, the first one entitled (self- affirmation) For 20 of the association participants, during the session they discussed the cases where the person indentified as less self- confidence , and they worked on the solutions for such cases, the other workshop held on 27th April, it was about (the violence against women) The women presented stories of some families who exposed to a permanent violence, while the trainer provided the group the legal behaviours to deal with it.
During the visit of representative group form Nanterre municipality, has been agreed in the partnership with human supporters to apply the summer in Nanterre camp, 14 members from our dabka and music team will present several shows during the camp that will be last for 10 days during July 2010. during April the NGOz French association ((ADD)) have visited the association too, the purpose of that vivst is to fund some projects in the near future.