samedi 3 juillet 2010
Newsletter of June 2010
In 17th June, Voice of kid’s team has visited defence for children international centre in Nablus, the goal of the visit was to meet the centre’s services and also, to make an interview with Mr, Samer Ajaj the manager of the centre, he started the meeting with an explanation about the centre services offered to save the children rights and protection, During the workshop the kids presenting some children’s matters and discussed them with him. As 5 of the kids made interview with the manager in private, in order to discuss deeper information the centre target groups and work methods.
European delegation of different nationalities consisting 14 psychologists and psychiatrics visited our association on 6th June 2010, where the purpose of the visit was to take an overview about the association’s programmes. As Mr. Wajdi Yaeesh one of the association founders and the current projects coordinator of HSA, presented a brief history of the association establishment, which is considered as a reflection of the Israeli invasion to the west bank cities in 2002.
The projects coordinator Mr. Wajdi Yaeesh explained the children’s conditions under the invasion of 2002, and the repeated practices of the Israeli soldier against the Palestinian society, special in Nablus – old city. Additionally; the activities coordinator Mr Raed Kukhun gave an explanation about the goals and the stages of Voice of Kids program.
The delegation visit lasted for 3 hours included with tour in the old city leaded by wajdi, he showed them the historical monuments of the city and the destruction left by the Israeli soldiers during the invasion 2002.
Group of alaizareh municipality board members came to our center to discuss the details of the participation in the summer camp will be hold in France - noture city, that will take place in 5th july 2010, in this summer camp our dabkah and music team and 5 of their youth will be part of it , our team will present dabkah and music shows during the camp activities, as it will last for 12 days including the visits to the other cities like pairs

In 21st June, HSA opened the summer camp activities door (living together), that we offer every summer vacation, this camp includes kids aged between 9-13 years old, and covers the three religions located in Nablus city, Muslim, Christian, and Samaritan, where the goals of the camp is to promote the tolerance and the social unity among the religions. As also, it includes lots of entertainment and artistic activities.
(Promoting children youth, women, education and psychological wellbeing) project
On 9th June we started the supervision meetings in HSA centre, the goals behind the meetings is to monitor the 80 volunteer’s affairs in the work field, their difficulties, and personal skill, Also enhancing the local organizations performance in the psychological and social work field. The meetings will take a place on June until the end of December.
we started new French course for the children aged between 10-13 years old, by the graduator mr. mahdi Karadeh, who is one of our best volunteers in tutoring French for the children, as we started also the activities of ( the story) that will encourage the children on reading educational stories, this activitirs leaded by Ms. Nancy abu haweleh on of the HAS staff.
As we continue the other usual activities in serving the children and the youth of Nablus.
We would like to thank you all for supporting us in serving our community; and we give special thank for our partners, that together we will promote the justice and the social change in a better future for all the Palestinians.