mercredi 1 décembre 2010

November Newsletter 2010

click in the link below to download the newsletter in three languages ( French, English, Arabic) :

School support

As part of the school support program, from 27th to 30th November four meetings were held with the children’s parents, which aimed to explain in detail the project’s methodology, specifically the promotion of children’s participation in the education process and raising parents’ awareness of their essential role in building their children’s capacities. The promotion of children, youth and women’s education, as well as the psychological wellbeing of young residents of the Nablus old city, was also discussed. During the meetings the teacher listened to parents’ comments about their children’s difficulties in the schools and promised to provide special training for the parents in upcoming meetings. Parents reported benefiting greatly from the meetings.

My Father Reads To Me campaign

Human Supporters Association has participated actively in the wide-ranging campaign called My Father Reads To Me by reading stories for 15 children in the Association garden, where this campaign was launched. Run between 1st and 4th November 2010 by the Tamer Institute for Community Education, in collaboration with many local organizations, this campaign aimed to promote the relationship between parents and their children though the reading of stories.

Clowning, laugh therapy

The well-known Spanish group called Fest Clown visited Human Supporters Association specifically to undertake a program of workshops entitled ‘Clowning, Laugh Therapy’. At first they ran a workshop involving 20 Association participants in which they provided basic training in clowning. The next day a laugh therapy workshop was held with the same group in which the trainers taught participants many simple games to make them laugh from the bottom of their hearts.

Clowning party for the school support children

Fest Clown organized an amazing clowning party for more than 100 children involved in the school support program. For two hours, Fest Clown acted, sang, and danced for and with the children. Participating children reported that they had a wonderful time with the clowning group; it really brought joy to the children’s hearts.

American delegation visit

On 6th November, an American delegation called Interfaith Peace Builders visited Human Supporters Association. Their visit aimed to learn about the projects offered by the Association to Palestinian society under occupation. Their program also included a visit to the old city and other activities.