mardi 4 janvier 2011
dimanche 2 janvier 2011
December newsletter 2010

Illiteracy classes :
On Sunday 2nd of December we conducted the first sessions of illiteracy classes, that were after we Classified the first target groups, 50 from both dropped kids aged between 13-18 years old, and women aged between 25-45 years, attended the classes, we started tutoring them but first We divided into four groups of 12 in each class in order to give more attention for each participant, working on covering their needs in reading and to writing, and that opportunity that they waited for since long.

School support:
During December, our school support activities were following the main methodologies and goals of the project itself, it was obvious the improvement of the children’s performance in the classrooms, due to the participatory approach that made a positive changes.
As the teachers held 3 meetings with the mothers in order to explain their children achievements and the teachers’ plans and their methods in tutoring their children

With the beginning of December we started the Art labs activities, Sport, Art, theater, and computer In each lab there are 15 children aged between 9-14 years old, the aim of the labs is to enhance the children’s psychological wellbeing and to increase their abilities in playing and working together as team and to express their feelings so they can gain more awareness about their lives.

Voice of kids
On Saturday 25th of December, afternoon we held the voice of kids’ conference in Hamdi manko hall, the conference held for celebrating the end of the edition 3 and to distribute the magazine, many visitors, the kids’ parents and all the organizations were involved in the activities of the project came to join us our happiness in this special event that the kids wait for since long, during the conference the kids presented the magazine and the activities were held within the stages of the project during 2010, as Hamza and Nawal presented their poems, which people admired, apart of the conference was a clowning show presented by Spanish clowns, so that 100 kids involved in the school support with their mothers participated in this even. We are very proud of the children’s achievements and we congratulating them for the magazine.

27th December a Delegation of 70 French called “international solidarity movement “visited us, first we took them in a tour in the old city of Nablus and we explained them the landmarks of the city. As we explained them about human supporters services . Also in 31st of December an Italian delegation of 40 people visited human supporters association, as the staff introduced the association projects and activities and the psychological conditions in the old city cased by the Israeli solders during the repeated invasions to the old city