jeudi 3 mars 2011
mardi 1 mars 2011
February Newsletter 2011
February newsletter 2011
click in the link below to download the newsletter both in two languages Arabic and English!download|763l33|450558024|February_2011.rar|13915
Youth exchange
due to the youth exchange started since last year between human supporters and Nanttare city municipality, which began when our music and Dabkah team have visited Nanttare and the many places to Paris and other cities , this year, as second phase of the project, On 17 of February human supporters have received 16 members of youth representative of Nanttare municipality, we were so happy to welcome them since the first day of their arrival, the activities program where made specially for them, included what necessary to engage them into all the aspects of the Palestinian life and make them feel a part of our life that would made their trip highly rich we presented them the culture , customs, daily life and of course Palestinian way of celebrating , they witnessed the Palestinians conditions under the occupation through out many visits to the old city and refugee camps, they have met families have a stories to tell about the occupation , where that strengthen their engagement to our case. The program also offered many activities and youth exchange, for example activities with groups of children were part of sport, music, and art activities took a place during for days, their visit were until 24th on February, which went so fast regarding to the richness of the program this trip was a very short time for us to show our appreciation to have them in Palestine, which also too short to show them our Palestinians hospitality, finally we would thank Nadia who made this amazing project true, and we wish for her all the best, for being an amazing person, also we won’t for get to say thanks to Nanttare municipality and all the coordinators and the youth of Nanttare , it was amazing experience that we won’t forget.

(Promoting children youth women education and psychological wellbeing in Nablus – Old city)
During February, the teachers of the school support have visited the children schools and met the director and the teachers in order to discuss the children conditions sand improvement in our activities, the teachers presented the special cases of the children who have low achievement at school also the children who are identified as hyper activity, and violent, as the teachers explained the methods in working with the children, where the director explained the social and psychological environment where the children are living through where the meting ended with a feedback of the school teachers to work teachers of the school support .

As the teachers of the illiteracy classes for the women and the dropped out completed their work plan, which still focusing on building the basics for the weak groups and giving a higher levels for whom are in a better levels, for the school support, it was noticed by the mothers that their children are getting higher degrees specially in English language for the fourth grade boys and girls, as also the families telling, the children are more interested to attend the schools and more opened to get into the educational process which is one of our main goals of the project.

In the art labs, the children have participated in the activities done with the French group, which was kindly new for them but they expressed their feeling s that it was a nice experience they had.

28th of February, Nancy Abu Hawlelh the employee at Human Supporters has conducted free day for the a group of girls that regularly attending our activities, the day contained several activities, eating, drawing, and playing at the association yard, the girls had a good time all together .