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During March 2011, the work team of Voice of Kids has conducted the sessions of the preparation stage of the project; they have got training that contained many activities promoting the work team capacities in the field and enhance the skills of their work. Some of the most important subjects, were under the focus of the group are the Psychological activities, Trauma, Adolescence stages and many other subjects took place within the seminar activities.

On 24th march, a group of kids participated in the first day of our program, according to voice of kids, and before we start the first stage of the project, we used to make first meeting for the all the kids who applied, the work team aim was to identify the target group that will be involved in the project, within the activities of this day the work team present the project and its aspects.
(Promoting children, youth, women education and psychological wellbeing in Nablus – Old City)
Adding to our regular activities in the educational support, this month the teachers gave a special training on creating an educational facilitation, which would help the mothers to find a good strategy in tutoring their children, also the children had school exams, and the teachers responded to that actively, they tutored them form their own curriculums using the active participation methodology.
For the psychological wellbeing labs, in 21st of March, the kids celebrated the mother’s celebration day within the art lab, they sang dance, and made a special card that prizing their mothers with, they have also celebrated the father day, which is created by their own imagination to give him the value as well as the mothers. As the sport team made a friendly match with the team of (Jabal El Nar), and planning to play another match in the coming days.
On 1st of March 2011, self conformation workshop has been provided by Rumoz Thoqan a new volunteer at HSA form Ascar Camp, this activity offered for our beneficiaries of the women who are attending the illiteracy classes. During the meeting the group discussed situations of their lives were they find them self weak, or strong, the goal of this workshop was to raise their awareness in the importance of the self – conformation and its results in their lives.
Due to our cooperation with the universities, we provide a special training for the students in the last semester at the university, this month we have involved 2 students in our activities, one of them are giving English class for the seventh and eighth grade, and the other one has been involved as computer lab facilitator for children aged between 8 – 12 years old, this way we insure a good service for the children and also involve the students in the social field, which integrate them with the volunteering work. One of our dedicated volunteer, Hiba Hammad, cooperated with the children of the seventh and the eighth grade that have difficulties in mathematics, she committed to teach them mathematics of their own curriculums, those children are coming twice a weak to our center.