Newsletter of May

On May 14th, the voice kids 4th group concluded the first phase, in the association yard, where the celebration included a number of events which have taken a social nature and other entertaining character, Children also expressed during the ceremony the happiness of this wonderful experience, which taught them a lot. They have become one strong, loving family, as they finished the ceremony the team distribute gifts for them as an expression of the association team for their presence and commitment In 19th may, the group start giving activities of the second phase of the intervening events and introduction on what requirements stage during which children will implement social initiatives that serve society and enable them to make change, which in turn reflected positively on the young and promising future, we wish them every success in the coming

Pilara workshop, about “violence”
In one of voice kids meetings, the director of the Pilara Center Mrs. Samira Al-Masri implemented workshop for the children of the community about violence as a supplement “count to ten” session, which was carried out by Pilara, where she gave comics, talk about the violence and asked the children write a story expressing photos, which has reinforced the children effective participation in the adoption of the means of expression is far from the violence, that line directly with the voice of kids objects.

The project ( Promoting children, youth, women Education and psychological wellbeing in Nablus Old city )
In May 28th children groups celebrated the school support the end of the first phase, where the team has distributed certificates to the children, and implement many of the activities of recreational group and in Al- Fatimya school yard for Girls, also teaching took place for children within the previous six months, where children's learning skills of reading, writing and mathematics also mastered the basic levels of English like alphabets, numbers, and structure as part of the curriculum the active involvement of children in the educational process and learning through play and other means.
For the Labs : HSA trainers are still providing the regular sessions with the children in The Art theater, sport , and dance labs, in which they are preparing for new stage that will include new children to be benefit of the Art lab.
Drawing competition
In both 18/19 May Human supporter association participated in an international competition carried out by the European Union entitled (gender) that promote the concepts of making the world a better place, through the equality between male and female rights and opportunities, where the association carrying out activity through which the two groups of children consisting of at least 20 boys and girls draw the child's story and the girl child. In order to bear the responsibility together for a better world

During the month of May, Puppets theatre groups integrated the schedule of the second phase of the project, which contains stories and learning through playing with puppets. Lessons include learning about health, environment and equality that promote the concepts of children and the emergence of personalities through puppets.