jeudi 13 décembre 2012

November Newsletter
Human Rights Theatre Project
During November the participants of the HRTP finalized their performances. A final ceremony was organized for children to celebrate the conclusion of the project and the success of their performances.  A short movie was organized by staff members and was displayed, in addition to other entertaining activities. The movie summarized the stages the participants went through and showed parts of their performances.

Artistic Workshops in Partnership with “Young Artists Forum (YAF)”
The sessions implemented during November aimed at providing the young artists with a platform to express themselves. The goal was to help them overcome their shyness and problems with exposure in front of others, improve their abilities, and encourage them to develop their artistic skills more.
HSA’s Football Team

After completing an English course for the team members in October, the team participated in local competitions and won first place. In addition, they continued their regular training schedule in preparation for other competitions against other local and national teams.
Mental health workshops for women

In partnership with PWWSD (Palestinian working women society for development), HSA organized and implemented workshops twice monthly for women between ages of 25-45. The workshops included various activities to increase awareness of mental health problems, which allowed all the participating women to express themselves and talk freely about their daily life issues.

mardi 6 novembre 2012

October Newsletter 2012

October Newsletter

Human Rights Theatre Project
During October HSA concluded the activities for the participants of the HRTP by implementing 4 theater performances in Salfeet, Asseera Al-Qebleyyah, Askar Refugee Camp, and Balata Refugee Camp. The shows targeted a total number of 300 attendees between the ages of 9 and 16 years. Each of the shows included performances of the plays that the participants wrote as well as other different activities such as poetry reading by a 5-year old girl, who is a beneficiary from another HSA project, Dabkeh performance by HSA Dabkeh band in cooperation with the local Dabkeh bands from the areas we visited, in addition to other entertaining activities. All the shows were concluded by a demonstration which was organized by HRTP participants who had prepared signs showing the 7 Human Rights focused upon during the project and were accompanied by poetry reading of Mahmoud Darwish’s famous poem “We have on this earth what makes life worth living”.

Artistic Workshops in Partnership with “Young Artists Forum (YAF)”
During October, the implementation of the Artistic workshops started. The participants have already finished two workshops that were held by Dr. Mohammad Saleh Khalil. The goal of these workshops is to enhance the capacities of the participants and encourage them to develop their artistic skills through receiving a professional painting training. The project is set to be concluded by organizing an exhibition that shows the work of the participants upon the ending of their training in February 2013.

English Course for HSA’s Football Team
HSA implemented an English course dedicated to the team members and was given by an international volunteer of the association. The course emphasized on basics of the language and conversational skills. In addition, the team members continue their regular training schedule in preparation for competitions against other local and national teams

Entertaining Day for the Children at the Kindergarten of the Evangelical Church
HSA’s staff and volunteers organized and implemented an entertaining day for the children at the church. The day included various group activities and games that enabled all the participating children to participate in the event. Also, the children enjoyed having their faces painted by our volunteers, and some refreshments were distributed in the end.

HSA is also hosting international volunteers and interns, who participate in our activities and help organize 
them, in addition to interns from the university who specialize in psychology and social studies. 

Other pictures from The HRTP Performances that took place during October:

mercredi 3 octobre 2012

September Newsletter 2012

September Newsletter

Human Rights Theater Project
During September, and after not having enough rehearsals during August because of Ramadan, the participants of the HRTP felt the need to have more training sessions in order for them to perfectly show their plays. The project’s staff and volunteers implemented intensive training sessions for the participants, with help from the theater expert, Mr. Qais Awayes, who worked with the participants individually and in groups in order to get them ready for their upcoming schedule of performances.
The first show of the HRTP was implemented in cooperation with the Brotherhood Association in Tubas, who have arranged for HSA to use one of the schools within the city. The show addressed almost 350 children from Tubas area, between the ages of 9 and 13 years. It included 4 performances by the HRTP participants, poetry reading by a 5-year old girl, who is a beneficiary from another HSA project, 1 Dabkeh performance by HSA Dabkeh band and other entertaining activities. The show was concluded by a demonstration which was organized by HRTP participants who had prepared signs showing the 7 Human Rights focused upon during the project and were accompanied by poetry reading from Mahmoud Darwish poems, done by one of the participants themselves.
Other performances and events are scheduled to take place within the upcoming 2 weeks in Nablus, Tulkarem, Salfeet and Jenin.


"Promoting Children, Youth and Women Education and Psychosocial Wellbeing in Nablus (Old City)"
The preparations for beginning the third year of this project are ongoing. The staff of this project is actively planning for the upcoming activities that are provided with many educational means to help the children to cope within their environments and get better educational levels with high personal benefits.


“Young Leaders” Training Program
The implementation of this training program targeting youth continued during September. The participants received trainings on developing the use of body language and self-expression. The volunteers are also taking part in other activities implemented by HSA, such as the final events of the HRTP.

Partnership with “Young Artists Forum (YAF)”
During September, HSA signed a partnership agreement with YAF to co-implement a project called “An Open Drawing Studio for Young Artists” which aims at empowering young artists and art students from the university and developing their capacities through participating in 10 workshops concluded by an exhibition showing their art work and productions throughout the project.

HSA’s Football Team
During September, the team participated in a local competition against 5 other teams, and won 1st place. Other competitions are being scheduled for the upcoming month on a broader scale, to include other national, and perhaps international, teams.

HSA is also hosting international volunteers and interns, who participate in our activities and help organize them, in addition to interns from the university who specialize in psychology and social studies. 

lundi 3 septembre 2012

August Newsletter 2012

August Newsletter
Administrative Changes of HSA

By the end of August, Wajdi Yaeesh, Director of HSA, volunteered to participate in an EVS program organized by CEMÉA, France. So HSA hired Mr. Ali Nobani to take his place as Director .

Human Rights Theatre project
It was a little hard for the children participating in the Human Rights Theater Project to perform during Ramadan, so they continued their rehearsals for their final performance. During an Iftar organized by the association for the unprivileged of Nablus, they presented one of their plays to over 120 people.

“Young Leaders” Training Program:
The implementation of this 2-month training program targeting youth continued during August. The participants received trainings on developing their communication and leadership skills, how to work within a team, and debating and listening skills. As an effort to support the environment; young volunteers initiated the idea of volunteering to clean the streets of Nablus before Al-Eid. A group of young volunteers and HSA staff members left together with bags, brooms and shovels and courageously cleaned several streets of Nablus.

Ramadan Charitable Iftars
For the last 9 nights of Ramadan, and with help from a generous donor and Attadamun Charitable Society, HSA offered Iftars (the meal to break the fasting) to more than 300 orphans of Nablus and their families. The Iftars were held in the courtyard of the association. For the last night of Ramadan, Iftar was served to 120 people in a local restaurant, Nablus. After eating, games and activities were organized with children and adults using hoops, face make up and music. Children were given school supplies as prizes.  For the largest dinner, the Human Right Theater Project participants presented one of their plays.


International delegations
Several international delegations visited Human Supporters Association, including Spanish and Italian groups.  They were taken as usual on tours of Nablus old city showing how it suffered since the 2002 invasion, and were also taken to The Balata refugee camp.  During their visit, they attended a conference on the importance and difficulty of preserving the history of the Palestinian people, given by Ala’ Abu Dheir, former Public Relations Officer of the An-Najah National University.

Spanish and French lessons
French lessons covering both beginners and intermediate levels continued. In addition, a Spanish volunteer implemented a beginner’s Spanish class this month. Students were starting to learn Spanish, and teaching new Arabic words to their teacher in return.

HSA’s Football Team
This month the football team was re-boosted. The team received funding to get new equipment, while the team started training again. Friendly competitions are being organized with teams from others cities and the team members are hoping to have broader competitions with other national or international teams.

jeudi 2 août 2012

July Newsletter 2012

July Newsletter
Human Supporters Association organized a summer camp in Nablus that brought together fifty children aged 8 to 12 years old from the three main religions: Christians, Muslims and Samaritans. Led by Samaritan, Muslim and Christian volunteers, the children took part in different activities such as sports, art craft, Dabkeh dance, music, singing and theater.
In the afternoon, everyone was joining in the playground for a big game where the teams were competing against each other in different activities.
This camp is considered a great opportunity for the children to mix between each other where their religion or background is not a matter. At the end of the camp, all their achievements are showcased to their families in a closing ceremony, where they present the dance they choreographed, the play they wrote and the Dabkeh performance they rehearsed.

In July, the children have split up in groups according to the final plays they’re performing. They have started to stage them and now all know their roles by heart. Their weekly rehearsals enabled them to get a good sense of what they need to achieve before performing it. So now the Human Right Theater project is almost ready to be presented to the community.

“Young Leaders” Training Program:
In July, HSA started the implementation of a 2-month training program that targets 20 youth between the ages of 18 and 23 years, coming from different backgrounds. It offers them the chance to get a professional training on various topics such as communication skills, leadership skills, time management, how to work within a team, project planning, presentation skills, and debating and listening skills.

This month, two levels of French classes have been run thanks to two French volunteers. There have been two classes per day: one for beginners and other intermediate levels. Students are taught to read, write, listen and speak French. And at the same time, the French volunteers learn some Arabic vocabulary as an exchange.  

Many international delegations have visited Human Supporters during July; some of them were Italian, American and Spanish. As usual we offered them a tour in the old city of Nablus, and we introduced them to what the old city suffered since the invasion in 2002 until the present. Interested in our work and activities, we gave them a tour of Nablus and the old City introducing them to the context we work in so that they could understand the purpose of our activities. Discussions and exchanges are very enriching for our association as it gives new perspectives on Human Supporters’ projects.

jeudi 12 juillet 2012

June Newsletter 2012


June Newsletter
In the past months, each group of the participants of the HRTP wrote a play about a chosen right and finalized them and all the roles were distributed among them. During this month, they have been rehearsing for their final performances scheduled to take place during August and September in various cities across the West Bank.
In workshops, the children have expressed how they could not enjoy some of their rights in their daily lives and transcribed that in their plays. The plays they wrote address the following topics; Right to Education, Freedom of Speech, Right to Reject Apartheid, Right to Reject Colonization, Right of Gender Equality, Rights of Civilians in Times of War and Rights of Palestinian Refugees. This stage of the project developed their writing skills as well as their acting skills.


As is the case every month, an English class for women is provided by Human Supporters Association staff. These classes target women who are attending literacy classes. The course focuses upon English activities and exercises. Attendees consider this course to be important and practical, since they are able to practice what they have learnt with their children, helping them to reinforce their studies.

During June, Human Supporters Association implemented a 2-week summer camp that targeted youth between the ages of 18 and 23 years who specialize in psychology and social studies. The aim of this camp was to raise our youth’s awareness about issues faced by the Palestinian society; effects of living in a village near a settlement such as Asera Elqeblia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), life in refugee camps, human rights’ violations in Palestine. It also offered the participants a chance to receive training on communication, debating and leadership skills.


In June, two international volunteers actively participated in Human Supporters activities. Their different visions and experiences helped the association to diverse its conception of the activities and how to enhance respect for human rights in building capacity of the youth in Nablus. Exchanges with the staff as well as with the students in language classes gave an international perspective on Human Supporters’ projects.

All of the usual activities the association provides are also running.

mardi 5 juin 2012

May Newsletter 2012

May Newsletter

With great pleasure, and in line with its schedule, Human Supporters Association announced the completion of all activities for its illiteracy program this month. The Teachers have taken great care to prepare an assessment for all the target groups, making note of progress in subjects such as Arabic and mathematics. There have been many success stories amongst the students. The high marks they have achieved in the final exams are a reflection of the hard work they have put in during the program.
Those groups participating in the Human Rights Theater Project wrote their plays, they discussed their choice of scenery and they started casting for the roles to begin rehearsing for their final show. In addition other sessions were provided, such as exercises about their own feelings, in which we provided them with a value to release much of their negative energy.

Voluntary activities:
On the 16th of May, a group of Human Supporters Association staff, as well as many local and international volunteers, organized an open day for Balata Camp Girls School. This included a day with many educational and enjoyable activities for the girls, such a clown show, presented by two of the organization’s staff

Voluntary activities
Another voluntary open day was also conducted on the 18th of May in “Asera Elqblia”. The day also featured many activities, which took place in the school’s yard, with the same group of volunteers making their best efforts to help the girls and to have the best time possible.

Languages classes
Human Supporters Association is hosting language classes, which last for around one month.  An Italian volunteer is currently providing classes for the staff of the association. He is trying to promote basic reading, writing and conversation skills. Arabic classes are also being provided by local volunteers for a number of international volunteers. This exchange provides all those who take part with invaluable cultural, educational and social encounters, which they will remember for years to come.

As is the case every month, an English class for women is provided by Human Supporters Association staff. These classes target women who are attending illiteracy classes. The course focuses upon basic English activities and exercises. Attendees consider this course as important and practical, since they are able to practice what they have learnt with their children, helping them to reinforce their studies.

A group of young musicians from Human Supporters Association participated in the Ethno-France 2012 Project, hosted in Paris and organized by Association “Alors, On Le Fait..?!!”.
It’s a rich musical program, which had a positive effect on the participants and created a platform for them to exchange music, culture and history, allowing them to cooperate to create new music.

All of the usual activities the association provides are also running.