mercredi 3 octobre 2012

September Newsletter 2012

September Newsletter

Human Rights Theater Project
During September, and after not having enough rehearsals during August because of Ramadan, the participants of the HRTP felt the need to have more training sessions in order for them to perfectly show their plays. The project’s staff and volunteers implemented intensive training sessions for the participants, with help from the theater expert, Mr. Qais Awayes, who worked with the participants individually and in groups in order to get them ready for their upcoming schedule of performances.
The first show of the HRTP was implemented in cooperation with the Brotherhood Association in Tubas, who have arranged for HSA to use one of the schools within the city. The show addressed almost 350 children from Tubas area, between the ages of 9 and 13 years. It included 4 performances by the HRTP participants, poetry reading by a 5-year old girl, who is a beneficiary from another HSA project, 1 Dabkeh performance by HSA Dabkeh band and other entertaining activities. The show was concluded by a demonstration which was organized by HRTP participants who had prepared signs showing the 7 Human Rights focused upon during the project and were accompanied by poetry reading from Mahmoud Darwish poems, done by one of the participants themselves.
Other performances and events are scheduled to take place within the upcoming 2 weeks in Nablus, Tulkarem, Salfeet and Jenin.


"Promoting Children, Youth and Women Education and Psychosocial Wellbeing in Nablus (Old City)"
The preparations for beginning the third year of this project are ongoing. The staff of this project is actively planning for the upcoming activities that are provided with many educational means to help the children to cope within their environments and get better educational levels with high personal benefits.


“Young Leaders” Training Program
The implementation of this training program targeting youth continued during September. The participants received trainings on developing the use of body language and self-expression. The volunteers are also taking part in other activities implemented by HSA, such as the final events of the HRTP.

Partnership with “Young Artists Forum (YAF)”
During September, HSA signed a partnership agreement with YAF to co-implement a project called “An Open Drawing Studio for Young Artists” which aims at empowering young artists and art students from the university and developing their capacities through participating in 10 workshops concluded by an exhibition showing their art work and productions throughout the project.

HSA’s Football Team
During September, the team participated in a local competition against 5 other teams, and won 1st place. Other competitions are being scheduled for the upcoming month on a broader scale, to include other national, and perhaps international, teams.

HSA is also hosting international volunteers and interns, who participate in our activities and help organize them, in addition to interns from the university who specialize in psychology and social studies.