Before we start telling you our monthly news, we would truly like to wish a happy New Year for our partners in the non-violent resistance against the Israeli occupation. Happy New Year and please except our full appreciation, we are extremely grateful to you for standing by us, all the way through our journey in promoting our local Palestinian community, we have to say that we would not be able cover all of these remarkable things without your constant support, happy 2010 and may it bring many successes to us all

Winter camp was the first occurrence planed for January 2010, with a great enthusiastic volunteers committed to participate actively with us; we performed 5 workshops as preparation to facilitate the winter camp. Each workshop carried out by two participant volunteers. The subjects were drama, Music, recycling, and other activities. We exchanged experiences among each other, as one of the camp targets. Once kids finished the first semester exams, they were ready for fun; our reward for them was the winter camp which we were well trained for

Once the kids finished their first semester exams, they where ready for fun. Our reward for them was the winter camp that we had already trained for.
On Saturday 16th January, at ten am the association was crowded with a magnificent number of kids, we assembled them all at the association garden, our volunteer Ahmed El-arboudi and aya yaeesh beared the responsibility of that day, with the help of others involved facilitators.
Starting form the second day until the end of the camp, kids were divided into four classes drama - recycling, dancing, music, and other activities.The camp last for a whole week and ended up with lots of joy and fun

On Saturday 16th January, at ten am the association was crowded with a magnificent number of kids, we assembled them all at the association garden, our volunteer Ahmed El-arboudi and aya yaeesh beared the responsibility of that day, with the help of others involved facilitators.
Starting form the second day until the end of the camp, kids were divided into four classes drama - recycling, dancing, music, and other activities.The camp last for a whole week and ended up with lots of joy and fun

On January 2010 kids celebrated the opening of V.O.K second phase, we made a small party with cake and candles. As known kids have to apply 6 main initiatives for the local community according to the phase.
At the beginning they choose a space of a very old palace in the middle of the old city. In order to do their first initiative, they went with a 35 kids from the association to start their activities; they presented competitions, educational questions, songs, and dances. The day was very successful; all of them had a wonderful time.
At the beginning they choose a space of a very old palace in the middle of the old city. In order to do their first initiative, they went with a 35 kids from the association to start their activities; they presented competitions, educational questions, songs, and dances. The day was very successful; all of them had a wonderful time.

Other activities took an essential part of January, as the dabka team intensified their preparations efforts during a short time to display the coming show.
The Hip-hop team kept working on new songs about our daily resistance. Many activities planned for the next month, this is our part of human supporting.
The Hip-hop team kept working on new songs about our daily resistance. Many activities planned for the next month, this is our part of human supporting.
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