Our actions towards the local society are depend on people needs, and because we are particularly involved in the second phase of the voice of kid’s project, we seize the opportunities to accomplish initiatives that can be highly useful and make us proud of what we do .

At the beginning of February our kids thought about visiting the orphan’s house, where 13 girls aged between 12- 17 are living there, kids believe that (It is not fair for a group of young girls to live away from their parent’s tenderness) they added (it is our opportunity to do something for them).
On Saturday morning, 11:00 am 25 members were ready to meet the girls, when we arrived there, the house’s counselor took us in a tour in all the departments, and then we all gathered in the visitor’s hall to meet the others. Girls were a little shy at the beginning but we became a family as fast as you could imagine. We made a cake and tea party, we sang, laughed all together. Two hours went so fast, and we closed the activities with a group photo.
One of Our main activities carried out in the previous month, focused on new tutoring techniques. Ola Al sadder the English department student, volunteered to give us an English classes by group games as competitions, we are not only learning English we are enjoying the class too. For further information, these games not only executed with students but also children with mohammed samarah. As the graduated Rana saleh is giving French classes for a group of new participants.

On Thursday 25th February, voice of kid’s team participated in the prophet’s birth celebration with the whole city. We packed congratulation cards, V.O.K magazine and sweets to share with people in such a special day. Kids wandered in the city and they gave the envelops to all the people, we put our imprint in a very special day where everybody was happy.

Hip – hop band (Ehna) made a concert in the old city, during the event, they presented many patriotic songs, and the break dance team participated by dancing shows to make the evening more enjoyment, and many of the local audience were there.

The Other activists went on as usual, dabka team are still practicing on new movements in order make their performance more wonderful. Moreover, kids in the theatre activities are training on new stories. That is our way of cultural resistance

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