vendredi 2 décembre 2011
mardi 29 novembre 2011
Newsletter of November
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We noticed the amazing development in the children, youth, women, during the classes that we are providing. In the different programs, in the school support program this month the children took many activities full of playing and enjoyment that were effective with the children to understand the educational context. In the illiteracy classes for women and youth, they played with balloon, drawing on the cards. In the illiteracy classes, the women are attending regularly to the classes and everyday they are learning more, about Arabic and mathematics, as well as the dropped out that they are increasingly flow to HSA.
In November, the kid’s team is taking diffident activities including lots of fun and an educational means; the facilitator will give them many activities to prepare for the last stage “the magazine stage” The children are now working on the magazine pages that will be lunched in the coming couple months as we hope.
Gladly the youth in the human rights theater project is finishing the activities of the third stage. They practiced a lot on their 7 short plays. That they will present in I n Sharek forum next month, these plays included the right of education, the Civilians rights during the war, the refugee’s situation in the camps, and other
On Saturday November 25th, we have started new English course for children aged between 9 -12 years, This course is including many tutoring the children the basic English using games, playing and group teaching, which is our way to help the children to improve, Our volunteer is providing this course in the HAS yard, and many children from boys and girls are interested to attend regularly to this course, that will last for 2 months. As we started a French course for the HAS staff provided by our French volunteer
samedi 12 novembre 2011
Newsletter OF October
First, we would like to congratulate the Islamic community for Eid, this yearly social event the bring family and dears together. Wishing that you had the best time in this beautiful social event, hope you shared you enjoyment and love with all of your dears, family and friends form Christians and Samaritans
According to our experience since the last year in the project, this year we have planed, new work methodology that fits with the new changes in the program. In the school support program we choose 120 children in needs from both boys and girls from two new schools located around the old city of Nablus, as two new tutors became part of HAS family, the manger of CISS have visited the schools and check closely the running of the programs and prized on our work with the children, youth, and women.
on Saturday 2011 , the project manager Mr.salvo with the project coordinator Mr. Wajdi yaeesh have conducted a graduation day for the women who finished the illiteracy classes successful in the first year. the ceremony has been conducted in HSA yard, included presentation certificates distribution.
In October, the kids took a holyday to do their exams, they were coming at least one time per week to complete their work in the magazine, they took beautiful pictures to be added in the magazine pages, as they are participating so actively in the English translation that we are looking forward to celebrated next month.
Due to the third stage the youth in the human rights theater project have acted many short plays from their daily life, the played what they feel and think, and reflected in the role of the teachers in the school, the bad behavior of soldiers in the checkpoints and many others things from their lives. The 70 youth involved in the project were invited to an open day in the October 1st; in this even the youth presented their artwork and share the food and enjoyment together.
In October the children have made their final shows, the invited many children from the old city and other places, in the event the presented their plays and spoke about it with the children, their stories were full of the educational means that were fully rewording in the children lives, as they sang and dance during the events.
HSA started the puppets course the doniz the French facilitator, for one week at HAS center, she offered many activities, creating puppets, playing with the puppets and making stories and educational games.The group who participated were from HSA staff, sharef forum and other volunteers.
mercredi 5 octobre 2011
jeudi 29 septembre 2011
Newsletter OF SEPTEMBER 2011
click to the link below to download the newsletter in English
The staff involved in the project was working in the preparation of the new stage of the project, Is this stage we are going to involve also 1200 children in the school support, and 25 women and 25 dropped out in the illiteracy classes, 45 children to the labs, all of these groups will be serviced on September, hopefully we are wishing the best for this stage.
Due to this stage the voice of kids team is writing their own articles that will be included in the magazine later one, they already wrote a lot about the suffering of the Palestinian children and about a lot of social events happened during the third stage, such as Ramada, the fist, going back to school, and many other subjects.
As they are continue to learn about making investigations about very important cases of their lives which will be their critical tools to understand what is going on in the society especially because we are living in a special situation under the occupation.
Laugh therapy – clowning
Human supporters association with the cooperation of the Spanish clowns have conducted two course, laugh therapy and clowning
In which the groups learned how important to laugh and to use activities to make the children laughing as way to open a positive relationship, in the clowning the groups learned how important to use the clowning as a skill to express and to make people happy. These courses targeted the staff and the volunteers of HSA, including many employees of another NGOz that participated actively in the courses.
Happily Human supporters finished the second phase of the project with a lot of fun and success for the 7 groups involved in this project, during September the groups have pained about the children rights on a big sheets and mage a lot of other games that bring them together as a family. And now they staff will conduct an event that will gather all the groups in the yard of HSA, which will include presentations, competitive games. In order to encourage the groups and reword their commitment in the project
On September we started the last stage of the project, which is the training and the performing. The kids are learning to present in front of each others to make a good show on October. They wrote stories aimed to provide the children a lot of educational means such as “Salma El Helwa” the beautiful salma” which aimed to teach the children how important to be cooperative in the social life and the beauty is located in our actions and intentions not the surface one .
Many international groups of volunteers have visited Human Supporters during September, (Italian, French, Spanish, and also from many other nationalities), which their visits aims to express their solidarity to the Palestinians that are living in a hard situation under the occupation
As usual we have offered them a tour through the old city of Nablus, and we introduced them to what the old city suffered since the invasion in 2002 until the present. Mr. WajdiYaeesh the director of H.S.A was their guide in every tour. As we presented Human Supporters history and activities that all were based on the suffering and the influence of the occupation
mercredi 21 septembre 2011
État Palestinien et attaques de colons autour de la ville de Naplouse
La ville de Naplouse et ses environs, située au nord de la Cisjordanie, a été témoin ces derniers jours de nombreuses attaques de la part de colons extrémistes israéliens.
Des centaines de colons israéliens se dirigeaient hier vers le check point de Huwara situé à l’entrée de la ville de Naplouse. Ces derniers ont forcé les soldats israéliens a fermé le check point afin de perturber la circulation des Palestiniens.
Des attaques ont aussi été perpétré dans le village d’Asira (situé au nord de Naplouse) et l’ont dénombre deux blessés dont un enfant de 14 ans ainsi qu’un journaliste.
De plus, 400 oliviers appartenant à des villageois palestiniens ont été brulé en ce jour du mardi 20 septembre 2011. Ces attaques devraient se poursuivre contre les Palestiniens dans les jours qui viennent.
Les colons ont annoncé commettre ces attaques au nom de la « souveraineté » en réponse à la volonté palestinienne de se diriger vers les Nations Unies pour plaider la reconnaissance de leur état.
Lo Stato Palestinese e gli assalti dei coloni israeliani nella città di Nablus,traduzione de Rossella Paino
Nablus è una città situata a nord della Cisgiordania, in Palestina, la quale sta subendo numerosi attacchi commissionati dai coloni israeliani. Purtroppo non solo la città di Nablus è soggetta a questi soprusi ma tutte le città della Palestina.
Centinaia di coloni hanno preso di mira il checkpoint di Howarah impedendo di fatto il passaggio e la mobilità della popolazione palestinese.
Non solo, i coloni hanno anche attaccato la gente del villaggio di asera al qiblia, sparato ad un bambino e ad un giornalista e, il 20 settembre scorso, bruciato più di 400 alberi di ulivo. Ciò che è più grave è che questi attacchi continueranno e aumenteranno nei prossimi giorni.
Gli israeliani hanno chiamato queste azioni "sovranità" per rispondere alle richieste del popolo palestinese di avere un proprio stato nelle Nazioni Unite.
Ma i palestinesi hanno risposto che istituiranno dei comitati in difesa delle proprie città e della loro stessa incolumità, costantemente violata.
Il 21 settembre, gli impiegati e i volontari della Human Supporters Association e la delegazione spagnola giunta da Madrid ha partecipato alla grande manifestazione che si è tenuta nel centro della città di Nablus.
Alla manifestazione hanno anche partecipato tutte le ONG locali, le scuole, organizzazioni varie e migliaia di palestinesi.
(traduzione dell'articolo di Ali Nobani, psicologo presso la Human Supporters Association)
الدولة الفلسطينية واعتداءات المستوطنين في نابلس
مدينة نابلس الواقعة في شمال الضفة الغربية شهدت العديد من الاعتداءات من قبل المستوطنين الاسرائيلون الذين هددوا باقتحام المدن الفلسطينية، حيث قام المئات من المستوطنين بالمسير باتجاه حاجز حواره المقام على مدخل مدينة نابلس مما أدى إلى اغلاقه من قبل قوات الاحتلال وتعطيل حركة الفلسطينيين و أيضا قام المستوطنون بالهجوم على أهالي قرية عصيرة القبلية مما أدى إلى إصابة طفل وصحفي وقاموا بإحراق 400 شجرة زيتون، يوم الثلاثاء 20\9\2011 و من المتوقع أن يستمر المستوطنون في اعتدائهم على الفلسطينيين في الأيام القادمة حيث أعلنوا بأنهم يقومون بهذه الاعتداءات تحت مسمى"السيادة" ليردوا على الفلسطينيين بسبب توجههم للأمم المتحدة،لكن الفلسطينيين أعلنوا عن تشكيل لجان حراسة مدنية للدفاع عن أنفسهم وأراضيهم.
The Palestinian state and the settlers assault in Nablus city
Nablus city that is located in the north of the west bank – Palestine; has witnesses many assaults committed by the Israeli settlers, who threatened to attack the Palestinians cities, were hundreds of the settlers waked to howarah checkpoint that is located in the entrance of Nablus city and closed it, that obstructing the Palestinians movement and attack the people of asera al qiblia village and shoot a child and a journalist , and burn down over the 400 olives trees on 20th of September 2011, and these actions are expected to be contented in the coming days.
The Israeli called these actions “the sovereignty”
to answer the Palestinians claiming their state in the United nations, but the Palestinians announced to formulate guarding committees to defined their country lands as well as them selves.

ومن جهة أخرى شارك موظفو ومتطوعو جمعية أنصار الإنسان مع وفد اسباني من مدينة مدريد اليوم الأربعاء 21\9\2011، بالمظاهرة الكبيرة التي أقيمت على دوار الشهداء ضمن فعاليات إعلان الدولة الفلسطينية ودعما للموقف الفلسطيني في الأمم المتحدة حيث شاركت أيضا المدارس والجامعات والمؤسسات وكافة فئات الشعب الفلسطيني >
In the other side, on 21st of September, the employees and the volunteers at human supports association with a Spanish delegation coming from Madred city , have participated in the big demonstration in the city centre of nablus were it included all the local NGOz, schools, organizations and many others of the Palestinians
vendredi 16 septembre 2011
dimanche 4 septembre 2011
August Newsletter 2011
Newsletter OF August
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Before any thing at all, Human supporters association congratulate the Muslims all over the world for all Eid , with the coming of this holly social even, we are wishing you had spent a wonderful time with families and all friends. During Ramadan august 2011, human supporter’s staff was totally involved in many activities that brought the joy and the hope for our society.
During Ramadan the staff of HRTP started the second phase of the project, they conducted sessions on a daily base for 7 groups of children that aimed to break the ice between the children each others, and to build a strong groups that can be like a family working and having fun together, this stage will be 2 months that we wish the groups will have the best rewording time together with us.
The voice of kids team has started the third stage, were each one of them will be the “young journalist” as they used to be called after all the practices and the investigations they do. Due to this phase the children will learn how to be journalist and to be able to write in a professionally in a way recognized among the official journals, which our aim is to build their critical thinking to the media and the matters related t their realities.
human supporters association collaborate with the Festiclown (Rebel clowns) to conduct the huge festival in Palestine, and that was After several trips of Ivan Prado and the Festiclown in Gaza and Cisjordania, Pallasos en Rebeldia (Rebel Clowns) and Festiclown decided to work with local palestinian entities to bringa ll the Festiclown inti Palestine, and more tan 50 artists as messengers of hope and fraternity in this land. An army of red noses against the military occupancy of Israel and fighting for the humanity with laugh and clown noses as only weapons, they are visiting Ramallah and Jerusalem from 1st to 15th of September. In Nablus, During Al Eid in Jamal Abed al Nasser – open theatre / three shows for the public, many people came and had a wonderful time during the shows as many other shows in the cams old city and villages were presented
As the children used to, they are preparing their own shows, those many different interesting shows will be presented for the children in a couple months, and they are having the best time with their little puppets that they learn to speak with.
Many European delegations have visited Human Supporters during July, (Italian, French, Spanish, and also from many other nationalities), as usual we have offered them a tour through the old city of Nablus, and we introduced them to what the old city suffered since the invasion in 2002 until the present. Mr. WajdiYaeesh the director of H.S.A was their guide in every tour. As we presented Human Supporters history and activities that all were based on the suffering and the influence of the occupation
samedi 6 août 2011
dimanche 31 juillet 2011
July newsletter 2011
Newsletter OF July
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Once again this year Human Supporters Association opened the ‘Living Together’ summer camp in the church located in the Western gate of the old city of Nablus.Once again everyone came together to have a wonderful experience, sharing the various and rich, culture and customs.
60 children from the three religions based in Nablus, (Samaritans, Christiana and Muslims)were gathered at the church, every morning from the 4th – till the 14th of July. This summer, the facilitators offered many new innovative activities such as circus, music, dancing, and handcrafts...etc.
On the 13ththe whole camp celebrated the end of the summer camp on high spirits. The children presented many different performances in the final show, and many parents attended and encouraged the children during the presentation. On the 14th all of the summer camp participants went to the swimming pool and had a lot of fun there.
In July the team of HRTP followed a theatre training TOT with QaisAwais, who is a famous theatre expert in Palestine, this was the last part of the first stage of the project. The training offered them a methodology enhancing their pedagogical tools.
The team has worked on the promotion of the project in the community to prepare for the next stage, which is with the children and will start on the 8th of August. On July 24th the team of the human rights theatre project conducted a special meeting with thechildren’s parents sothat they will be participatingin the project activities too. The press and many associations came to witness the event, as the team presented the associations history and activities, followed by explaining the projects stages and goals. The meeting included a music show presented by mohammad Al– Arred the singer of H.S.A. The meeting ended with answering questions and completing the participatory application, the meeting was greatly successful and the people expressed their enthusiasm and interest to include their children in such an innovative project.
The third initiative that the kids conducted was aimed at promoting national production, which will help Palestinians to think about independence in the future and will assist us as Palestinians to count on each other economically, as a way to resist the occupation and its presence in our life, politically and economically. The kids refuse counting on Israeli production whilst the Palestinians have alternative solutions that should be promoted and supported by us.
As an idea the kids made a special visit to ‘Al- Arz ice-cream factory’. The tour of the factory included information about production and consumer satisfaction. This opened their eyes to the Palestinians capacity to produce good products. It was very rewarding and the kids want to reflect on this in the magazine. After the visit the kids had a debate, in a free discussion about how important a future of independence is through promoting our hand made produce that will be resistance to the occupations existence. The kids wrote about their ideas after the debate, which will be discussed in the magazine.The debate was followed by a complementary initiative, which is a special training that enables the kids to express their solidarity with national and culture products. The kids had special training to express their ideas and their sense of belonging to society, through using the media as an active tool to promote their ideas.
Tawjihi Party
We gave our best congratulation for those who passed the Tawjihi final exams. On July 30th, at the Human Supporter’s yard,the voice of kids team initiated a special party for the students who passed the Tawjihi successfully. The party was full of happiness seen in the student’s faces, flowers and certificates were distributed to all of them.
During July the children have learned how to reflect a silent nature into puppets dialogue.
They are using the puppets activity to express their minds and feelings, as they are planning to present the fourth seasons and they are doing their best efforts to make a nice show in the end.
Many European delegations have visited Human Supporters during July, (Italian, French, Spanish, and also from many other nationalities), as usual we have offered them a tour through the old city of Nablus, and we introduced them to what the old city suffered since the invasion in 2002 until the present.
Mr. WajdiYaeesh the director of H.S.A was their guide in every tour. As we presented Human Supporters history and activities that all were based on the suffering and the influence of the occupation.
Two of our staff conducted an entertainment day within the summer came that were dedicated to 150 girls of Iraq borenvillage, the staff conducted many physical activities that brought enjoyment to the girls day, which was the goal that we aimed to accomplish.
mercredi 6 juillet 2011
samedi 2 juillet 2011
June Newsletter
June Newsletter
click in the link below to download the newsletter in English.
With the beginning of June 2011, human supporters association started the long awaited “human rights theatre project” which is a new psycho-educational project, dedicated to the youth of Nablus and its surrounding, the project uses the Human Rights as a tool of empowerment and the theatre as a tool of expression and achievement. This project will be implemented over the coming 18 months and will evolve of 70 youth aged between 12 – 16 years old.
On June 18th, the team of the HRTP has started the seminar activities, which is the first stage of the project that is taking a place at HSA, from the beginning of June until the end of July 2011.
The seminar includes two main topics Human Rights / and theatre provided to the work team and other interested volunteers by several associations (Independent Commission of Human Rights, Defense for Children International, BADIL Resource Center.. Etc).
The trainings being provided are offering the work team methodologies efficiency in working with youth. As well as presenting concepts later on during the implementation of the project

June 16th, the voice of kid’s team went to “SAMA NABLUS” for its first outdoor activity. in order to on the top of the mountain they had a lot of fun, making brainstorms and coming up with initiatives. The first initiative was entitled “keeping our Palestine clean” on Thursday.
To reserve the environment and keeping our country beautiful, the team of voice of kids has decided to make an environmental campaign, as a tool to send a message to the society, promoting the concept of saving our country cleaned and healthy.
the chose for the first initiative fall in one of the most popular park called “Jamal Abed Al-Naser”, in which most of the people goes to enjoy their time with their little children who run to play in the green, So that it was worth to lunch the kids’ campaign from that spot. Concerning the figure of people and the bad environmental situation in the park
28 kids of the team and other visitors have disrupted in areas in a small teams, in 2 hours the kids have made sure a healthier environment for the kids have don a well done job, then they mad a special even all together in the families section, were they sang, and share the food, then they have made so activities and expressed their huge how happy they are to made the initiative and the enjoyment they have got during the day.
On June 29th, the kids done the second stage which is an intensive training entitled “the civil defense” addressing the children actions and providing them the best practices and the procedures to deal with the fire when it may happen, followed by a visit to the firefighter centre on the second of next month

During June, the four groups in the puppets theatre have performed many educational stories concerning the health and the environment and other topics made by their own imagination. Through out using the theatre the kids are having a best time and enjoying playing together and expressing their feelings though the puppets that became a very powerful tool to in their lives
With the end of the first stage of the project activities, HSA will provide a special training for the teachers of the school support program by the hands of new local volunteer holding master degree in building an teaching methodologies , the training started with a first session conducted On June 18th,. And will be conducted on July. The training will be addressing the needs of the teaches in the psychological and educational aspect, that will be enhancing their performance with the children later on.
Due to the end of the exams and the children holidays, HSA are holding a weekly different activities to the children, such as the drama activities that took place on the 15th June, the children have draw the four seasons, after the spoke about the nicest things they see in winter or summer, which was a resulting with the kids appreciation to the four seasons and gave them the chance to express and enjoy. As the played in the yard and had the best time all together.
As we open an English class for the children delivered by Nour, the new international volunteer, the course is totally in English and the kids are learning and improving fast despite the foreign language