jeudi 14 août 2008

Mahmoud Darwish - محمود دروي

محمود درويش

ونحن نحب الحياه اذا
ما استطعنا اليها سبيلا

درويش لم يكن شخص عابر سبيل ليستنشق هواء الحياه ويرحل بعيدا دون تذكار

محمود درويش لم يكن مجرد شاعرا يعتاش من شعره

كتب للانسانيه وسكتب عنه التاريخ جزيل عمله

لقد كان معجزه القرن الجديد اسطوره لكنها واقعيه لقد رسم العالم بين عينيه

خط بسطور من ذهب واقع الانسان في كل زاويه يوجد فيها صوت نبض القلوب

صور المعاناه والالم والظلم والقهر

صور الحياه والحب وهواء الحريه

لم يكن تحط قدميه في بقعه في هذه المعموره الا وتهافت الناس ليحصلوا على صوره تذكاريه علها تنفع الذكرى

كان الجمهور يعيش ساعه او ساعتين في عالم درويش وهو يلقي الشعر كانو يعيشون حاله منفرده قلما تتكرر طوال الحياه

فليس غريبا على درويش ان يسمى الشاعر العالمي كان العالم وطنه

اما انا لفقد تعلمت منه الكثير ولازلت لكنه رحل قبل ان انهي تعليمي في مدرسه الانسانيه التي بنها درويش بقلمه وحبره

غذى انسانيتي بافكاره وشعره الحر كما كان هو حرا عاش ومات وسيبقى في ثنايا الذاكره حرا ابيا

لقد بكيت تلك الليله لم اصدق ما قيل انه رحل كنت اردد طوال الليل لم يمت لم يمت لم يمت

لكن كان الصبح سيد الاحكام عندما خرج رجال الفكر يبكونه في تلك الصبيح حينها ادركت فقط انني لم اكن احلم

كانت رائحه قهوته توقظ الناس صباحا فقد حلت محل الطيور التي كانت توقظ الناس في السابق اما الان فعلى الطير ان تعود لما كانت عليه قبل محمود درويش

لم يبقى لي الكثير لاكتبه عنك لقد كنت الاب والمعلم والقضيه والفكره والراي كان حلم ان اكمل تعليمي في مدرستك لاصبح سفير الانسانيه كما كنت انت لكن للاسف خانني القدر واخذك بعيدا معه

سفير الانسانيه بكت معك الملايين وابتسمت معك ايضا لكنها الان ستبكيك كل يوم

يا من نقشت اسم الانسانيه في زمن لا انسانيه فيه

Mahmoud Darwish

And we love the life if it means we are able…..

Mahmoud Darwish

This is not the person passing like other millions. This is not mute stone that can't speak. This is not not not…..

Mahmoud Darwish was not just a poet that organize poetry to sells it to live from poem . He is the miracle of the new century. He was a real legend for the humanitarian situation, not only for the division.

Mahmoud Darwish lined golden lines about the human reality in all over the world of the oppression and suffering. He didn't go to any spot in this world and hundreds of thousands rushing to take pictures to remember him. He visited the cities of the world to shed his poetry and to let the audiences live an individual case with him.

So it's not a surprising that he so-called the world poet Mahmoud Darwish. Personally, I learned from him so much. He had fed my humanity by his ideas. And his free poetry was not a follower for one. So he died free and will stay in our minds free.

He sent me to the humanity school to learn what is the humanity means and how to love it.

Well, I cried when I heard that news. And I couldn't sleep that night. Because I didn't believe what happen to him. I said no, he didn't die, he didn't die yet. But in the morning when the thought men in the world means for Mahmoud Darwish I felt that this is real and I'm not dreaming… he's gone .

He's gone and he took my sadly heart with him, that it can't forget him ever.

The smell of the morning coffee that he was preparing it awake the people. Not the sound of the chanticleers.

I have no more to write about you. But you were the father, the teacher, the issue of the opinions, and the idea of my mind that I have learned it from you. But we didn’t complete the education. The way is too long to be the humanitarian ambassador like you.

Humanitarian ambassador, millions cried with you and smiled with you, but today we all cry for you…

We all will miss you so much, you inscribed the name of the humanity in an inhumane days…

mardi 12 août 2008

newsletter Human Supporteers - August 2008

Live Together “Summer Camp Of Nablus”

July 15th – July 31st

HAS “Human Supporters Association” came up with the Idea of this ambitious and innovative project to provide young people of Nablus: Muslims, Christians, and Samaritans able to live their lives of kids without worrying about the war, occupation and violence. The project focuses on the child's needs and responds through the socio-cultural animation.

All this was funded from the Association and its friends abroad with special thanks to the our fundraisers in Italy and in France “Raggazzi del Olivo” and “Human Supporters Paris”

“Voice of Kids” 2008

“Voice of Kids”; a project that started last year, in 2006, aiming at creating leadership within Palestinian kids, through four different work phases. While the first phase focuses on their psychological and emotional needs and well-being, the second and the third phase invite them to take active roles in helping their society and understanding the way it functions and the political context in which they live. The final phase is about editing a magazine that would document the process they went through. In this project, the kids are the editors of their magazine.

The work for this Voice of Kids 2008 has already began on the beginning of August 2008 with a Seminar from the 10th – 21st of August in a series of lectures and workshops from professionals in Human rights and psychology in addition to sociology and politics.

Blog in English: and in French:

Italian Delegation Visit to HSA

Sunday August the 10th 2008

A high profile delegation of 43 Italians came to visit the offices of the Association, through the office of the vice president of the European parliament. They were welcomed by Mr. Wajdi Yaeesh the director of the association. And then Mrs. Phalestine Yaeesh the foreign affairs officer in the association gave an introduction about the association and its activities. Which the summer camp “Live Together” was its last.

Articles in the newspapers about our activities:

Summer camp “Live Together”:

The link for Summer Camp party:

Italian Delegation: