dimanche 7 avril 2013

Newsletter of March 2013

March Newsletter 2013.
School support project 2013 in progress

The second month of the project Implemented with a successful results with children , we noticed a fully commitment from the children to the program and also the motivation of their families , as well during the parents meetings we had a feedback from the mothers of the children ,they said that the children improved at the school and they have less difficulties now, in the other hand the teacher prepared many new educational materials that they created and they use it during their classes .

BAFA training in collaboration with CEMEA.
A great training of BAFA Done by human supporters and CEMEA trainers, from 16 of march to 21st of march the course implemented with a successful result, BAFA training is a program discovering and exchanging and developing the experiences and the skills of the people who work in the educational and the social field, in the last day of the training certificates were given to the trainees in a small ceremony at the association.

Out door activity in Salfet City .
Some volunteers of HSA team went to Salft City for implementing some activities with the children there, more than 100 child participated and enjoyed the activities, we used to do this kind of activities in a monthly basis there in cooperation with local association there, according to the situation there most of the children facing a psychological problem .

Women workshops and meetings .

In cooperation with Palestinian working Women Society for development (PWWSD)  the psychologist sharehan abu Salah did a workshop with a group of women at the association , as well the teachers met them and discussed about the problem that their children are facing at school and how they have to deal with it .  

Palestinian red crescent children group visit .
In this month again, a group of school girls from Palestinian red crescent – mental health program, from Jenen and Tubas City visited HSA , and  the volunteer Ahmad Arbodi accompanied them and show them  the old city of Nablus and the Samartin village and to the public park and some activity were giving to them .


Visit of  international Volunteers to  HSA
10 volunteers from CEMEA arrived to Palestine and did the first visit to HSA , before they will start to work as volunteer in the association they will do a tour of the west bank in order to meet people and association who are working in the educational and social field .

Art workshops with YAF.
After six months the workshops ended up , participants have painted several paints ,now they are preparing to make an expiation in Nablus , Young artistic forum appreciate the facilities provided by HSA ,  

samedi 6 avril 2013

Newsletter of February 2013

February Newsletter 2013.

School support project 2013
After a month of preparing of school support project, meeting parents to explain the project and its targets and goals, organizing the lists, numbers of kids and the classes
HSA has started the School Support Project in Nablus , giving classes in Arabic , Mathematics ,and English  , 3 days a week , with an attendance of more  than 60 kids from Nablus aged 7-9 years old .
Tutors started with breaking ice activities , and introducing themselves to the kids and the kids to each other , explaining the time table to the kids , and making an pre evaluation exam  for them.
HSA staff visit the Palestinian counseling center

Staff of School Support Project and the coordinator visited PCC to meet the specialist Ms. E’tedal AbuZina, to have a workshop about non formal education  ,and advices about some of teaching techniques .
Ms. E’tedal was very cooperative, she explained to the group about the educational materials and how to create it , and gave some examples of conditions that  we might face during the classes , and how to deal with it ,and use proper ways for that conditions.

Mothers meetings of the school support children .

We have invited the mothers of the school support children participants ,to discuss with them their children issues and the educational problems that they face ,as well to explain them the project and it goals and the work of HSA, then the psychologist sharehan abu Salah did some activities with them such as a psychological activity and entertainment, that made them enjoy the meeting and showing their interest toward the program, these women will be coming for the monthly meeting .  

First Aid of Human Supporters Unit
During February Many Protests and clashes Happened in Nablus against the occupation forces according to the situation of the prisoner who are in hunger strike , as Response of HSA about what going on we refreshed our First aid unit to serve and help those who are in need and provide them with medical and the human aid .

Palestinian red crescent children group visit .
A group of children from Palestinian red crescent – mental health program in North Jordan Valley visited HSA , and went to the old city of Nablus and to the Smartin village and to the public park and some activity were giving to them .
Sport activities at HSA .
After we created the youth football team ,we got the idea to establish a new children football team ,they already started their trainings and participate in one of the competitions .
As well the young football team continue his wining and development .

BAFA training preparation .
Selection process started for 15 participant for the BAFA training in the 16 of March till the 21st of March, HSA and CEMEA Staff will held this training in HSA in order to build the skills and the educational and social work methodology and to create animators.

The Palestinian children protection network meetings  
After HSA became a member in this network we started to attend the monthly meeting and discuss and participate in its activities , last meeting held in this month and the main subject were about the preparation for children day , labor of the children will be the goal of all the activates ,some conferences and workshops and Marches will be implemented ..

Preparation of receiving international Volunteers at HSA
A skype meeting addresses to some French volunteer who will come next month from our partner CEMEA organization in France  ,in order to explain them and discuss with them about what they are going to do during their volunteer work here and also to answer all their questions .

dimanche 10 février 2013

Newsletter of January 2013

Winter camp for 50 kids at HSA.


Winter camp planed in the beginning of January 2013,with a great enthusiastic volunteers committed to participate actively with us, the winter camp included arts ,sport, computer ,dance and outdoor activities, once kids finished the first semester exams, they were ready to use their time in useful activities ,in the end of the camp kids were very happy and we distributed some gifts and certificates to them.

School support Project preparation.
During this month the preparation period started, three  new teachers hired , the program addressed to 60 children from 8 to 10 years old and they will have three subjects Arabic, Math and English ,as usual the program will be after school time three days per week, HAS decided to continue implementing this kind of projects according to the needs ,also according to the many strikes in the government schools nowadays .

Women leadership project:
Early in January  a new project  Idea came out to see the light in HAS, so the preparation stage launched and all the materials needed provided ,this project will contain two parts ,one will be about the women skills and raising awareness and the second one will be like entertainment activities that they well learn about how do  some traditional food and western food and sweet and then ,we will create a sweet book as second part of our previous cook book .

Women workshops
A regular workshops still running by the psychologist sharehan abu Saleh , in this month two workshops addressed to the women and the main subject were about the metal health and problems at the families .

Luisa morgantini group visit HSA and Nablus .

In the first day of the year 2013 we welcomed  Italian group organized by Luisa Morgantini, the aim of the visit was to know the Palestinian situation under the occupation in the ground, they visited also the old city of Nablus and they got an explanation about what happened during the past period by the Israeli army and how the people suffered and effected ,then the group met the youth participants who went to Italy to participated in the project ‘’you’re Right’’ and discussed with them how is important this kind of the projects between Italian and Palestinian .


  Sabeel-tree delegation  from United States .
 21 Americans, students, teachers, journalists and retired professionals,
Visited Human Supporters Association in January, to learn of our activities, and to hear about HSA work, the recent developments and current challenges facing our community and to tour of the old city of Nablus, in the same time Dr.Saed abuhejleh gave them a great lecture about the Israeli occupation and the general situation in Palestine . 


vendredi 4 janvier 2013

December Newsletter, 2012.

December  Newsletter 2012

Balata school parliament students visit HSA .
During December  the participants of the students parliament at Balata school visited HSA ,in order to know it work and services and the activities , HSA stuff welcomed the students and their teachers at the center and gave a full explanation to them , students discussed with us about the possibility of how they can participate in our activities and projects, in the end of the visit the parliament students gave a thankful letter to HSA and they appreciate the welcoming and the cooperation .

Thankful day for human rights theater project stuff and volunteers
HSA organized a meeting for the human rights theater project stuff and volunteers, during the meeting we have evaluate the HRTP and viewing the activities pictures  and the children pictures during the implementation of HRTP, Then HSA’s charwoman and directors distributes the appreciation letters for them as way to thank all of them   for all their efforts and help that they provided during the project .

Opening the counseling room and rehabilitant of the center of HSA

During December HSA Opened a counseling room and provided with all materials needed and will be running by the psychologist of HSA , new services will be available like  Individual therapy  , as well HSA  did  some rehabilitation in the center in order to facilitate the work and giving a new look for the center and having more equipments ,and we would like to thank a lot the organization ‘’ PLANT ACTION’’ for this  great contribution .

Lab of computer
Lab of computer now moved to the main room of HSA, it will be available for children and volunteers and the visitors of HAS.

Painting Day at HSA .
During the end of December a painting day organized , more than 25 volunteers participated in this day ,the aim was to re-paint the walls of the center and enhancing the voluntary work among the volunteers , as well some of the HRTP children participated in the day in order to continue with them the activities after the HRTP ended,

NEW ‘’DABKA’’ Dance team .
An intensive training starts to the new dabka dance team in HSA  in order to build the skills of them in dancing dabka, this new team will have as well the ability to do a theater shows and music mixed with dance in the upcoming months, and we look forward for a new opportunities to help them to performs and  in the local community and abroad .
Other activities at HSA .
During December, the other activities are still running such as mental health workshops for women ,artistic workshops with the artistic young forum, football team competitions, as well the preparation for the winter camp.